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SEO keywords work









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發表於 2024-3-12 13:05:22 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

SEO Main Concepts Keywords are the backbone of successful SEO. The first step to content creation should always be keyword research. You can conduct this research on your own, or task your writers with taking care of it for you. Either way, it’s important to understand how . The best keywords have established search volume. In other words, they should be terms that people are already using when conducting searches. Using these words will automatically direct more qualified traffic toward your page.

When developing a list of keywords, ask yourself about the central goal of your business. What  C Level Executive List service or product do you offer customers? The answer to that question helps to establish the various kinds of keywords that should be included in your content. Primary keywords are the main topic that a potential customer would be expected to use in a search. For example, if you operate a specialty cheese shop, your primary keywords would likely be cheese and specialty cheese.

Secondary keywords shouldn’t be overlooked. These are complementary terms that take into account the subtopics that customers may use. Long-tail secondary keywords include longer phrases. For example, a potential customer might use the phrase “where to buy specialty cheese”. Although short secondary keywords are crucial, having a good mix of both long-tail and short-terms is ideal. What happens when you use great keywords? When a user searches for a term, Google generates the search engine results page (SERP).


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